
Showing posts from February, 2025

Dhamma Eye & Seeing With Wisdom

I will explain the terms "Dhamma-Eye" and "Seeing with wisdom" based on the sutta method, essentially analyzing MN26 by cross-reference.  > “Monks, there are three eyes. What three? The fleshly eye, the divine eye, and the **eye of wisdom**. Monks, these are the three eyes.” > This is the meaning of what the Blessed One said. So, with regard to this, it was said: > The fleshly eye, the divine eye, and the supreme eye of wisdom—these three eyes were taught by the supreme Buddha. The birth of the fleshy eye is helpful to obtain the divine eye. The arising of the ***knowledge of the Four Noble Truths*** is obtained by the unsurpassed **eye of wisdom**. Whoever obtains the eye of wisdom is released from all suffering. - Itv61 I will show how this is about knowledge & vision and there are different levels and kinds of knowledge & vision. Let's start with this excerpt from mn26 explaining how the Bodhisatta learned the Dhamma of Uddakka Ramaputta >...


Here I explain the foundational philosophy of physics and that of language. Question 1; In science, do immaterial or/and nonphysical things exist? Is thought non-physical and/or immaterial? Is science(math, physics etc.) non-physical and/or immaterial? Answer 1;  We think in these terms about things like the electromagnetic spectrum, eg particle accelerators where acceleration of the wave demonstrably requires thinking along these lines - immaterially about the material or materially about the immaterial. We are essentially using both physical and non-physical frameworks to predict and understand observed experiments/experience. Other than this, no, because the philosophy of modern physics, understood through the lens of modern epistemology, can't allow positing an existence of anything as divorced from the coming into play of subjective observation/existence. Thus, when we interpret experiments, we are fundamentally interpreting the workings of our own perceptions and nothing else...